About Amity

In the Press

ASBO magazine
ASBO Magazine

I got covered by ASBO Magazine in their "Ones to Watch" section, which is amazingly exciting! And they said some crazy things about me...

"Songs of uncanny beauty” “exceptional songwriting” “the heartbreaking power of Nina Simone... the vulnerability of Joni Mitchell"

"It is difficult to describe the power of Amity’s performance...the entire audience fell silent and completely enraptured."

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Amity winning Future Makers 2023 at the Royal Albert Hall
The Royal Albert Hall

I still can't believe this - but I actually won the Royal Albert Hall's highly prestigious Future Makers 2023/4 competition! The competition is part of the Royal Albert Hall's aim to discover and support the best emerging talent. I played my song "Almost Home" to a crowd of almost 2,500 - it was crazily exhilarating and nerve-wracking at the same time! Definitely an experience I will never forget!!! I now get a whole 12 months from The Royal Albert Hall themselves - I can't wait to work with them.

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Amity at BBC radio
BBC Radio

I had the massive honour of being invited into the BBC studios up in Newcastle for an interview with Anna Foster, alongside the amazing suicide prevention campaigner Beano. Watch my reaction to hearing my music played live on air here and listen to the actual interview here. Donate to support Beano and Emma’s amazing mental health work here.

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The Guardian newspaper, Zoe Williams

"She started singing. Her voice was miraculous. A guy called her the next Adele, and while it’s true that a lot of the open-mic kids go to the Brit school, the same school Adele went to, the comparison didn’t quite nail the sensibility. She had Judy Garland’s surprise right-hook, how-is-that-possible, fully adult voice coming out of a kid, coupled with the dense, surreal lyricism of Regina Spektor, maybe a trace of Ian Dury wit in there as well.

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Amity in NARC magazine
NARC. Magazine

NARC. Magazine is the independent guide to alternative music and culture for the North East of England and they were kind enough to write a focus piece on me ahead of my second tour of the North East.

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Amity at Lyme Bay radio
Riverside Radio

I had a lot of fun talking to Hazel from Riverside Radio about everything from cookies, to trans rights, to autism and all the way back to cookies again. And of course I also had a chat about my music, winning the Royal Albert Hall's Future Makers competition and more....

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Amity at Lyme Bay radio
Lyme Bay Radio

The amazing Lisa Galvani and Ash Kellet gave me the best reception in my hour long live interview in Dorset. It was a phenomenal experience and they played 6 of my songs from my demo CD on air and then throughout the week on rotation. Sadly the interview failed to record (just my luck!) but I’ll be back in November!

Amity podcast
Emergent Divergence podcast

The wonderful neurodivergence show hosted by the awesome David Gray Hammond went out live on air featuring yours truly. Obviously, being neurodivergent myself (I'm autistic), having a platform to talk about important issues around this topic is very important to me. You can listen to the podcast here.

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Amity in Durham Magazine
Durham Magazine

I had a 3-night show as part of the Durham Fringe Festical, which got covered by Durham Magazine. They described my music as “profound, broody and rebellious”. Sounds about right to me!

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Amity in Durham Magazine

I was so amazed to be asked to become Autistic Inclusive Meets first ambassador. As you may know, Emma Dalmayne, CEO of Autistic Inclusive Meets, helped kickstart my musical journey when they stumbled across my music on a Facebook post and invited me to perform at the annual Autistic Pride Fair.

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Amity in Durham Magazine
Stamp Out Stigma

I was so touched to be invited to write a blog about my mental health, my mission and my music by this brilliant organisation. Check it out here.

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Amity in Durham Magazine
Sevenoaks SingOff

Amity won the sing off against a very tough line-up of talented singers and singer-songwriters, with an audience of 500 people voting alongside the judging panel. Amity is the youngest person ever to have won this prestigous competition.

"Rather than perform a cover like I did in last year's sing off competition, being a singer-songwriter, I decided to sing one of my own original songs, Ragdoll. I wrote this song last year but this is the first time that I've sung it with a live band, and with an audience of 500. I got the most ridiculous reception, a stand ovation from the whole of the sing off audience and the judging panel too! And I made a judge cry too as she was so caught up in the emotion of the song. Crazy!!""

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